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The Catholic Community of St. Joseph on the Rio Grande is a member of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and is in union with the Roman Catholic Church. We believe in and celebrate the presence of Christ in our world through Word and Sacrament. We strive to make Jesus known in the local community through ministries of faith, hospitality, liturgy, compassion, and justice.
The words of our mission statement show that St. Joseph in the Rio Grande Catholic Church is a vibrant community of Christian believers. Bound together by our common baptism, we journey with each other in this life in the hope that we will come at last to everlasting life in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Take your time and explore this site. We are rebounding from the effects of the pandemic like many others. As we come back full force, please know that the Lord of Lords goes before us. We will focus on the God as the center of our lives and do His will. There are many things that separate us as People of God and many more things that unite us. May the Great Unifier, Our Lord, Christ Jesus keep you always.
In Christ's Peace,
Monsignor Lambert Joseph Luna, Pastor
TEN-WEEK RETREAT- a 10-week retreat - Consoling the Heart of Jesus: Inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Dates: 2/18/2025 to 4/27/2025; Place: Nazareth Center of SJRG; Time: Tuesdays, 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm; Divine Mercy Sunday Mass: 4/27/2025, 10:00 am (Reception after Mass) in the gathering space.
FUNERAL MINISTRY- The funeral ministry is looking to recruit more ministers to help families on the day of the funeral. Duties include meet and greet, handing out rosaries, and prayer cards as well as helping with flower placement. Call the parish office for more information. Our call is to offer mercy, compassion, and the love of God to each person, in life and death, to the bereaved and the deceased.
THAT MAN IS YOU (TMIY)- Men’s Faith Formation. Saturday Mornings 7:00 am; Cost: Free; Reach out to Deacon Leroy Chavez at [email protected] or call the parish office for information.
ENCHANTED EVENING WITH SAINT VALENTINE- On February 14th, celebrate with us at the Nazareth Center. The doors will open at 5:30 pm for dinner and the movie, Encanto, begins at 6:30 pm.
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY- meets every second and fourth Tuesday, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm, Room 138 of the Nazareth Center.
CONFIRMATION SESSIONS FOR ADULTS- Sessions will start on Saturday, March 8, 2025. Please contact the parish office at (505) 839-7952 during office hours to get more information.
SUPPORT THOSE IN OCIA- Please support those who will be Baptized and or confirmed and receive their First Eucharist at the Easter Vigil by writing a note of encouragement to them. Melissa will receive Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, and Carlito, Lynette, Ashley, and Miguel will receive Confirmation and Eucharist. A box will be at the Information desk where you may place your notes of encouragement.
THE GREETER MINISTRY COORDINATOR NEEDED- This important role is responsible for overseeing the greeter team and ensuring that every parishioner and visitor who enters our church feels welcomed making sure Jesus is known. If you have a passion for hospitality and feel called to make a difference in the lives of those who visit our church, please consider serving in this vital role. Contact the parish office for more information or to express your interest.
BLOOD DRIVE- Knights of Columbus will host a Blood Drive on April 6, 2025, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Donors will be registered to win one of the three $10,000 prepaid gift cards!